CS 419 Documents

O you possessed of sturdy intellects, observe the teaching that is hidden here beneath the veil of verses so obscure.
       — Dante Alighieri, Inferno IX:61–63, trans. A. Mandelbaum

This page contains links to lecture notes, in-class lecture slides, and related reading material. Lecture slides are in Adobe PDF format. You probably already have something that reads PDF files. Preview on the Mac and Edge on Windows render PDF content. If you don’t have a PDF reader for your platform, you can get one for free. If you’re using an Android platform and don’t have a PDF viewer installed, you can download the Google PDF Viewer, Adobe Acrobat, or any of dozens of other viewers.

Please let me know if you find any errors or unclear wording. Any corrections will be most appreciated.

Lecture notes

Week Title
Week 1 Introduction - Part 1 - slides
Introduction - Part 2 - slides
Introduction - Part 3 - slides
Introduction - Part 4 - slides
Introduction - lecture notes
Introduction - terms
Week 2 Cryptography - slides
Cryptography - recitation notes
Cryptography - lecture notes
Cryptography - terms
Week 3 Asymmetric cryptography & Integrity - slides
Asymmetric cryptography & Integrity - lecture notes
Asymmetric cryptography & Integrity - terms
Week 4 Authentication - slides
Authentication - lecture notes
Authentication - terms
Biometric authentication - slides
Biometric authentication - notes
Week 5 Exam 1
Week 5 Bitcoin - slides
Bitcoin - lecture notes
Biometrics & Bitcoin - terms
Week 6 Access control - lecture notes
Access control - slides
Access control: POSIX permissions - slides
Access control: Mandatory Access Control - slides
Access control - terms
Week 7 Program hijacking and injection - slides
Program hijacking and injection - terms
Hijacking - brief lecture summary
Explanation of stack frames
Week 8 Confinement - slides
Confinement - lecture summary
Command Injection - lecture summary
Confinement - terms
Week 9 Exam 2
Week 9 Malware - slides
Malware - lecture notes
Sandboxing - lecture notes
Malware & sandboxing - terms
Week 10 Network security - slides
-11 Network security - terms
Network security - lecture notes
Week 11 VPNs - slides
Firewalls and VPNs - lecture notes
Firewalls and VPNs - terms
Week 12 Firewalls - slides
DDoS attacks - slides
DDoS attacks - lecture notes
Web security - slides
Web security - lecture notes
Week 13 Exam 3
Week 13 Steganography - slides
Steganograhy - lecture notes
Anonymous communication - slides
Week 14 CAPTCHA - slides
CAPTCHA - notes
Mobile devices - slides
Mobile devices - notes
Internet of Things
Last modified December 8, 2024.
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